About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!

So my baby turned three years old today. We figured that we have spent around $85 a month on diapers for the last five years! That is about $5100 .00 and a lot of diapers!! And the light at the end of the tunnel is almost here. Kaden and Sage were both potty trained around three so Torin's time is almost here... Torin has been planning his birthday for a while now. He woke up bright and early making sure everyone knew it was his birthday..This whole week he told us he wanted a train cake,a train to play with, and that he was turning 3 years old.... We all drove up to Orlando to stay with Amanda and Donny for New Years and since Donny and Amanda have not been to chuck E cheese and the kids love it .. That is where we headed with three very excited kids( and of course some excited adults:) It was a blast.. It was not as crowded as we thought it would be on New years eve.. which you parents of kids who have tackled the insane herds of children at that place will appreciate. It was actually pretty relaxing. I could not believe when we got to the parking lot they were running a Thomas the Train ride for the kids. Torin went crazy with excitement as if he could get any more excited..hahaha

I would give Torin a couple of tokens and let him run wild and he would always come back with one or two ticket in his hand . It was so funny , I couldn't figure out how he was able to play the games and come back with tickets.. I mean he is only three years old he couldn't possibly read the directions and then actually win a game .. could he?

We found the greatest Chuck E Cheese game ever !! It was Deal or No Deal for tickets!! You put in only 2 tokens and you have the chance to win 80 tickets .. It works the same way as the game show. You choose a case and then the bank offers you different amounts of tickets to take if you would like to make a deal. So Owen and I play a few times and another couple that was standing next to us play a few times ... we get 14 tickets, 6 tickets , 1 ticket and then Donny comes over and decides he wants to give it a try.... He is not even sure how to play the game and starts picking numbers , keeps pushing No Deal... Then it comes down to open his case and he has the 80 tickets!! It was crazy... everyone was screaming and yelling .. You would have thought someone won the million dollar jackpot.. It takes little to amuse us..haha

We ended up have around 783 tickets which bought us a few lollipops and stickers and Donny picked out a paper pirate eye patch.. haha .. at least we all had fun and the fact we spent $30 on lollipops and eye patches is no big deal:-)

After Chuck E Cheese we went back to Amanda's house for cake and presents.

Donny and Amanda got Torin a red Thomas the Train robe .. And he also got a small portable train and track to play with..
Since Torin out of the three kids loves sleeping with a plush animal .. I got him a big soft puppy that he carries around.

After all the birthday fun and we put the kids to bed it was the adults time to have a party. We cooked fun foods and watched the Dick Clark New Year's Eve show.

Donny and owen made a run to wal-mart to get the ingredients for their homemade (very hot!!) salsa..

About 11:45p we decided to make a ton of food. Amanda made a yummy veggies dip and I made a meatball appetizer and fruit smoothies. And of course Donny and Owen made their nasty HOT salsa:-)

Owen telling me that there is no comparison to the Great salsa he makes to the other store salsas....

We were so full by the time we ate all the goodies and the clock stroke midnight that we were all ready to crash for the night. Though we all had a great time together bringing in the New Year. So to all of our freinds and family ...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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