About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A day out on the town

We have been traveling now for about 4 weeks. It has been a great time with the kids but when you are moving to different small hotel rooms all the "closeness" gets old really fast. Owen and I were about at our limit. We needed a break:-)Amanda so graciously said she would watch the kids on Friday so Owen and I could go out for a while.. We were soooo happy you would think it was our first date...haha... Downtown Disney market place was about 40 min away so we decided to head there to walk around. It is basically a strip of shops and restaurants to walk through.. They had so many fun stores! They had a huge Lego store where you could go in and build your own legos and pick out your own personal collection of Lego's. They had all the Disney stores , princess stores and candy stores you could imagine.. It was amazing to see all the different life size lego models they built and all the Disney characters along the sidewalks.It was a very fun place to go to experience the Disney feel with out paying the fee to get in the park.

They had life size Lego models all through the shopping area. They each were all made out of small Lego's.

Walking around downtown was nice and relaxing but we wanted to do something a little more adventurous:-) So we found a helicopter tour. It was so exciting!! They flew us over Orlando Sea world, wet n wild water park and some other Orlando attractions. I didn't realize how small the helicopter would be inside.. I got a little motion sickness when we took off but after you are up in air it was fine. I was in the front seat next to the pilot and Owen was right behind me . there were only three seats in the helicopter I think. Owen and I loved it so much , Owen is going to look into what it takes to get a pilot licence to fly those little helicopters....

After we went in the helicopter we decide to go to the theatre and watch a movie. The theatre there was amazing. It had a reclining seat with head rest .. it was the perfect way to a relaxing night.. We saw the movie Seven Pounds with Will Smith.. We thought it was a pretty good movie , kept you wondering what was going to happen through out the movie and those are always fun ones to see. I would bring a box of tissues though , it is a tear jerker:-)
I then called Amanda to see if she was still alive and how it was going .. all she said was " I am tired" hahaha... yep I think she now has a new appreciation for having kids.. The kids had an awesome time though . Donny and Amanda took them all to the park then to chick fillet to play on the indoor play ground.. All in all it was a wonderful relaxing day that Owen and I needed .. Here is a big THANK YOU Donny and Amanda!!!

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