About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Avalon Christmas Parade

Saturday Donny took us all to the Avalon Christmas fair and parade while Amanda was at work. Since Amanda was at work all day I snatched her camera to take a few pictures of the kids at the parade and fair. I have to say it did feel weird going to look for Santa Clause at the parade in 70 degree weather. Though I am not complaining:) It was just funny....

Kaden and Sage were trying to wave and get the attention of all the candy throwers... We were in the back but they did get a few treasured pieces of candy.

The long awaited Mr. and Mrs. Clause. The kids waited the whole time to see Santa come in on his sleigh , though he came trotting in on a horse and carriage they were extremely excited to see him.

They had a lot of fun craft booths and vendors to walk through.

They had a row of free bounce houses for the kids to bounce in. The lines were soooooo long but the kids were determined to wait it out .

The car slide was their favorite . Though I think Donny and Owen were more excited to go than the kids. Donny took Torin as his kid and Owen took the other two.

The big boys were all smiles coming out of the slide I think they were pushing all the kids out of the way, I never did get a picture of the kids coming out..hahaha...

Donny was so excited I barely got a picture ..hahahha...

The Fair also had a live bear show . The kids thought it was so funny to see the bears do tricks and dance around the cage.

The next few picture may seem humorous but I really am devastated .. I thought maybe I could take my handy dandy tools and do a little magic on my camera but the results were the same.. A dead camera:(

Here I am thinking maybe there is a possibility My camera may be saved ......

Loosing more hope.....

Reality has set in ... there is NO hope for my camera and sadly I must go out and buy a new Canon Rebel xsi :-)

And while I am rolling in self pitty over my camera ..Amanda is in the kitchen sneaking latel fulls of my homemade chicken and dumplings in her mouth!!

Lastly, here are the two boys with not a care in the world and happily spending all there time in front of the TV playing the Madden football on PlayStation 3.........

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