About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rainy day

Rain Rain go away come again some other day! The condo we are renting has 2 bedrooms , a living room, 1 bathroom and a kitchen. It is very nice but can be very small when the kids have no where to go on a rainy day. We did school work , watched some toons, and the kids played house in the bedroom. That all lasted about half the day then as all you parents know the fighting and nagging began...ughhhh ... So we spent the evening at the local mall walking around and doing a little Christmas shopping. I found this great book store that had everything on sale!! And anyone who knows me , knows how much I love books, so of course I bought books , books and more books.... The kids each were able to pick out something too..

Kaden was getting bored so he decided to make super ears.. He said it would help him listen better... I thought it was a great idea and thought he should make everyone some super ears!

At the book store Sage had so many choices to pick from , princess books, fairy book ect.. but she said "I want to do letters "So she picked a letter book . I have never seen a girl want to do school work as much as she does. It could be that she sees Kaden doing his work and getting attention from daddy. But she is learning and that is what matters:-) So I keep buying the letters books.

Kaden picked out a hand held Simon says game. He has a good memory so we thought he would really enjoy doing that game.

Torin is showing me his little duck that lights up that he got from the store. He wanted me to take so many pictures of it... He thought it was so funny to see himself in the camera.

It was getting late and we were entering melt down time:-) This is Sage pouting over something " very important "!

Kaden was reading a few of the many books I purchased.. He is doing so good on his reading. He is more excited to read now since he can read some of it by himself.

It feels wierd Christmas shopping in warm weather and no snow. I think I could get used to it though...Well half of my Christmas shopping is done and yes the majority of gifts will be BOOKS. but oh they are great books!.....hahaha So no surprises now:-)

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On my night stand