About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cocoa Beach

Yesterday we moved out of my sister's house to a condo on Cocoa Beach. We will be staying at this place for the next month. It is wonderful!! It is right on the beach and there is a walmart right down the road:) Because you know every perfect place has a wal-mart! As soon as we got there the kids were ready to try out the beach. This is the first time Sage and Torin have been by the ocean and I think Kaden was to small to remember the ocean when he was there. The majority of people here in the condominiums are retired "snow birds" as the Florida people call them. So it is nice and quiet around the area except for when my kids head to the beach I am sure people a mile away can hear their whooping and hollering....

There they all go hollering all the way with excitement:-) To get on the beach you go through the opening on the right side of the photo. The condos have their own gate and walkway to the sand.

Kaden and Sage holding the sand goodies....

It was a little overcast but it was still around 78 degrees. The water was FREEZING but it felt wonderful sitting out on the sand.

Torin was a little small for the waves . When they would come in the waves would push him over on the sand..haha He thought it was so funny.

Sage would run as fast as her little feet would carry her to beat the wave to the sand... The water was so cold!!

Owen relaxing on the beach in front of our condos. ahhhh This is the life...heehee:-)

Owen making his entrance in to the freezing water... haha I think I was laughing and cut his head off in the photo but you get the idea that he was trying to have a graceful entry in the water...hahah

As I have said before Kaden is always so watchful of Torin.. He would go in panic mode when Torin would head out to a wave, so I think Kaden thought it best to just hold on to Torin so he wouldn't go out to far in the water. I think he felt better knowing that he had some control over where Torin was going.

I was not kidding when I said the water was cold..it was FREEZING!!! The kids got use to it after a while or maybe they were just numb..haha

Around 5:00 we all went out to walk on the beach and watch the sunset.

The wind had picked up now and was around 67 degrees. But it was a great night to walk out on the beach with the family.

Tomorrow it is suppose to be around 85 degrees so maybe the water will be a little warmer and mommy will venture out in it..haha not likey but it was a nice thought..

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