About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another park day

Gus,Gus,Gus... That dog never ceases to amaze me...When I think it can not get any sicker, Donny told me last night that when Gus runs he sometimes passes out...on his back with his feet up!! Seriously!!! Now imagine running with your dog on a beautiful night and all of a sudden it falls over on it's back..hahah.. Donny had said when it first happened that he didn't know what to do , he didn't know if Gus had a heart attack or what. Since a Bulldogs nose is smashed on their face they have a hard time breathing and i guess he just passed out from lack of air. Crazy mutt!! The kids have absolutely fallen in love with this dog though. I won't be surprised to find sage dropping doggy treats in her backpack trying to convince Gus to leave with her when we go back home. She wraps her arms around his neck every chance she gets and loves on him. I actually heard her today talking to him in a high squeaky voice as she was rubbing his big wrinkly face " it's just me Gus, just me" ..Hahaha ... like Gus only loves her..hahaha....

Poor little Gus Gus resting after a long day playing with the kids...

Torin looking so dang cute hiding behind the couch with nice surprise he left in his diaper for mommy to change..uhgggg... how can you get mad with a face like that looking at you...

Today we went to a park about 10 min away from Amanda's house. They really have some cool playgrounds around the area.

Owen working hard at the office....

After loosing his online connection he put in a bit of study time in his Greek book. Owen is trying to finish learning Greek so he can start translating and reading the Bible in Greek.

This was another playground we found but I think it was geared toward a bit older age. We are not really sure how you play on it but the kids had fun climbing through the ropes.

Kaden really loved it . He made it almost through the whole course by himself , he just needed a little help on the high monkey bars.

Sage found a perfect seat to rest since she was playing soooooo hard:-)

I think this is the only rope Torin could get up on . And when he did finally make it up, he was just happy to hang out there.

After Kaden finished the Rope course and we were all sitting in the van, I asked everyone if they had fun .... Kaden yells from the back, " YESSSSS!, That was for my Kung Fu Panda training ". *This was said in the most serious 5 year old voice..heehee:-)... (Kung fu panda just happened to be the last Disney movie we had watched, so now everything seems to be equipping him to be the best kung fu panda fighter)

Another great day at the park! Tomorrow is supose to be another 75 degree day.. aaannndddd.. I will be thinking about all of you guys up in the that cold snowy weather up north.........

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