About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Family Time

My parents, brother and niece flew into Florida last night and today they came to spend the day at the beach with us.So now there are 9 adults and 8 kids under the age 6. What a crew! or more like a mob. The kids love having their cousins here to play with in the water. Grace was so excited to be at the beach she was like the energizer bunny.. go, go, go!! It went a little like this.. 1. jumps in wave 2. looses balance 3. wave crashes over her 4. pops back up 5. runs out for more...haha.. She loved it! The kids were so excited to see grandma and grandpa. Sage was papa's shadow for most of the time. The boys went out and rented a surf boards again. The waves were pretty small but great for practicing on. The first thing Owen and I do now in the morning is check the weather and wave forecast. We keep hoping for some 6 foot waves again but it doesn't look like that will be any time soon. Maybe Thursday if were lucky:) I let my dad play with my new camera for a while so between me (and you know how picture crazy I get) and him we took quite a lot of photos but you can never have enough ..right?

The world is a better place with grandparents *sigh*.. The kids Love Love Love it when they are able to play with grandma and grandpa....

Time for Dad to take a little R&R after running around with the grand kids... energetic little boogers aren't they?

Here are a couple photos of Owen and I surfing...The waves were only around 1-2 foot but they were good for practicing.

These next few are a perfect example of what happens most of the time to me... I have gotten used to being dragged under now and can usually prepare myself right before I plunge into those brutal waves.

Here I know it is not going to be good.. the nose of the board is to far in and I am to far up on the board....

Here I am down under the board enjoying the array of shells ,unknown ocean muck and the sweet taste of salt water being shoved in my face and body...

And here I am thanking God I made it out again and that I still have my suit on since the waves seem to have an uncanny ability to strip oneself of their swimming attire....

While I am out trying to see how much salt water I can swallow , my daughter thought it would be a good idea to stand out in the ocean and clean her "girl parts" .....

She apparently had globs of sand stuck in her "girl parts"and thought it would be a great time to wash it out since she did have the water and a bucket on hand .. so convenient.. right?

Sage, Sage, Sage , my crazy/beautiful little girl..heehee

Grace was fascinated with the birds....
I guess Dad and David were too... hahah... This picture just cracks me up ..Everyone needs a picture standing next to their dad in matching towels gawking at seagulls (sorry Dave ..I couldn't resist had to post)... ..

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