About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas with BIG news!

Since the family was not together on Christmas day we all decided to have a late Christmas in January when everyone came to Florida. We cooked a huge Breakfast meal with eggs, french toast, biscuits and gravy and lots of fresh fruit..It was delicious!

Soooo Elishia and Joe announced that baby # 5 is on it's way!!! Crazy!! The baby is due in August and will make the 9th grand kid for my parents (and possibly 5 girls for them..ahhh ... unless #5 will be a little joey jr:-)

Later all the guys went out to play golf all day while us girls watched the kids. That deal was only made in light that us girls get a "girls night" on Tuesday ...

It was so nice outside that we all sat outside and let the kids run around and play with their new Christmas toys.

Maddy being the oldest appointed herself teacher and was instructing the other kids how to do dance moves with their wands. Of course Kaden being the boy was the prince.. and Grace was suppose to marry him.. but Kaden didn't seem to like that idea so he left the group to do his own thing while Grace went to follow him asking why he didn't want to marry her..hahah.. They were so cute .. Grace just didn't understand why he wouldn't marry her.. ..

After the guys got back from golfing we had our gift exchange.. A couple of years ago we stopped getting presents for all the adults and decided to buy $10 gift cards. You buy $10 gift cards from your choice of store then we wrap them and draw numbers to see who draws the gift card first and so on.... We do 2 rounds where you are able to keep the card you draw or take some ones who may have a better card.. It is a fun and cheap way to give each other something for Christmas...

We had movie cards, a walmart card, target,and $10 cash( which of course was owens.. he forgot to go out to get his .. and which he also ended up with at the end) Dad ended up with dunken donuts which mom will probably snatch since she loves the coffee there...

And elishia had the subway card.. hummm... That new baby must have wanted some nice 5 dollar foot long sandwiches .. yummmm

And I ended up with a nice VS card..yeah... Oh how I love VS!!


  1. Congratulations Elishia & fam!
    oh my goodness, that is big news! Baby #5, how exciting :)

    Glad you are all having a great time and missing the big snow we had here this past weekend. It was miserable! I'll take sand over snow any day :)

  2. hmmm... I don't know what Corey has been up to, and why my blogger id came up as theCOREY, but that last comment was from me :)


On my night stand