About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our time is coming to an end...

The time has come to start packing our things up again. This weekend we will be back on the road and headed to Alabama. Packing has got to be towards the top of my worst things to do list..I am amazed at how much more stuff we have accumulated while we have been here!Where did all this junk come from?!! I still have no idea how everything is going to go back with us... I guess the condo got word of us leaving this weekend and finally fixed the swimming pool .. It was 80 degrees in the pool yesterday...ahhh wonderful! I am so glad we at least get a week to swim in the pool .

Sage and Kaden both can go under water now. Kaden loved diving for objects and swimming underwater. Next we will have to work on actually swimming above water.

This past weekend Amanda and Donny watched the kids so Owen and I could go out for dinner and a movie(two thumbs up to Slumdog Millionaire !!) So on our way to their house we pulled over at a park to let the kids play.

Owen and I had a great night out and loved the movie! I'm not sure if it made it to a lot of theatres because it is an independent film but Slumdog Millionaire is defiantly worth going to see..
And here's big thanks to my sister and brother-in -law again for watching the kidos!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Florida gets cold?!

Soooooo we have discovered Florida can also be very cold! The last couple of days has been in the 30's and very very cold for Florida ..like I think the news said it hasn't been this cold in 10 years or something like that:-) If you would have asked me a few months ago if I could live in a 500sq ft condo with 3 toddlers and a "sometimes" hyper active husband ..I would have said " Noway!! Are you out of your crazy mind!!" Well I am proud to say we have made it and survived (with of course a few extra grey hairs I found the other day)but since this blast of frigid air has passed through and has confined my three over active children inside I have been pushed to almost my limit... Today it was sunny and 67 so the kids and I lotioned up and headed to the beach only to turn around in 15 min because the kids and I started to loose feeling in our limbs...hahah ...I guess I was to excited to leave our small quarters to look at the wind chill which seem to make the temperature actually around 50 or so.... I now know why we were getting " the look " from those elderly people who seem to gather in their small clicks outside their rooms... ..Yes, I am the crazy mom that dress my kids in swim clothes and head to the beach in one of the coldest times of Florida history ...they probably thought we were crazy loons for heading to the beach..hahah...The light at the end of the tunnel is coming though this weekend a high of around 75 and sunny ..yaahoooo! freeeeedom!!! Even if I have to dust off the kids winter coats we are going to escape to the great outdoors!! Since not much has been going on the past few days I will leave you with some pictures the kids and I were taking on the beach together:-)

Yes we are a jumping family:-) We love to take jumping shots.. The kids find it so funny they are laughing the whole time taking the pictures... there is just something about flying through the air so carefree..... Every ones Assignment: to go outside with a camera and a friend and start JUMPING and shooting your camera off!! It's an experience that everyone should enjoy!!

Sage was taking this one... she was a little excited about holding mommies camera so I think she got a little distracted and cut Kaden's body off...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mommy and Sage Day

It has been a while since Sage and I have had some girl time together. So today I gave Sage the choice to go get her nails done or to go have her hair styled at the salon. She didn't even have to think about it ..she was ready to get her hair done. She was so excited the whole way to the salon. They washed and dried her hair then curled it into a princess style:-)

It wouldn't be a Princess day with out the perfect Princess crown......

And of course every Princess needs a pair cool Diva shades......

Looking cool with a mouth full of bubble gum.. so lady like:-)

Ahhhhh Sage we have so much fun together... Though some days you may seem to push my patience to it's limit, you amaze me with your zeal for life..... You are so full of joy, and so full of compassion. I love to see your eyes light up with excitement as you discover these new experiences in life..... You will always be my crazy beautiful Sage and oh how I love you!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

friends and a rocket launch

This past weekend my friend Faith from Jacksonville FL came to stay with me. It has been three years since I have seen her.We have been friends for over 20 years! Not many people can say they still have a good friend from their childhood that they still keep in touch with. Faith and I met when I was around 8 years old and have been great friends since. It was so great reminiscing the crazy times we have had through the last 20 years. And there have been some great times.. like staying up late talking while eating grapefruit and pickles, our Mexico trips, and of course giggling and passing notes back and forth about the "boys" during church service. ahhh *sigh* good times:-)

The Kennedy Space Center was shooting a rocket off this weekend too. So we all packed in the van and headed out to watch the launch. The count down was set for 7:33pm . We arrived at the site with our cameras ready and coats on..because it happened to be one of the coldest nights in FL again and we were FREEZING! We were all standing there with a crowd of devoted watchers and 7:33p goes by and nothing happens. The count down was stopped because of some technical problem. So everyone headed back to their cars to get warm and wait for news on the launch.... This happens 2 more times! Around the 2nd try Donny and Amanda decided to hop in their car from Orlando and try to make it before it tries again. So the 3rd time I think around 9:45p we jump out of the van again and the count down starts and it fires up and takes off in the sky.. It was amazing to watch! Donny and Amanda had just literally pulled in when the countdown started (which was record time for an hour drive..hummm.... Precious little Donny wouldn't speed... would he?)....while we had been waiting in the van for close to three hours with the kids but darn it we were going to see a rocket launch!. It really was a fascinating sight and when will we ever be able to see that again..so I guess it was worth the wait.
It was so dark outside that taking a good picture was close to impossible. The few I have are blurry but you get the idea:-)

Friday, January 16, 2009


Yesterday we said goodbye to my parents and my brother who flew back to the cold state of Ohio. They all drove out to Cocoa Beach from Orlando to spend the day before they left. Since it was very cold for Florida too (around 58), we stayed at the tennis court and shuffle board area for a bit. The kids loved playing Bocce ball and us adults played a few games of shuffle board. Owen and I did get a few tennis games in again.. Darn it .. he always wins though.. beginning to not be fun anymore..I win the first game until he warms his tennis swing up and then it's over for me....

Today Elishia and Joe were headed back and had a loooong ride ahead of them . So we all decided to go out to eat with all 7 kids....You must always prepare yourself before attempting a crazy plan like that.. for example what do you do in case a knock down all out brawl happens between siblings ?....or what so you so if your child decides to have the tantrum of the year?..you must have all escape routes in order before you enter the restaurant . Lucky for all of us (or them..haha)they were actually all very good during dinner... no one chucked food across the restaurant and I never had to separate any rowdy brawls..which is always a good thing.

Kaden watching the sports channel while eating:-)

Two peas in a Pod..Lauren and Torin...

Later the kids and I walked down to the beach to watch Owen freeze out on his surf board. It was one of Florida's coldest days ! Only around 56 but the waves were decent . There were other surfers out but only Owen and Joe were out in a t-shirt and shorts. Everyone else was out in wet suits,which is probably a bit more warmer..CRAZY GUYS!! The wind was so cold that the kids hands felt like ice after about 10 minutes.

I gave Kaden the precious camera (under great supervision from mommy) to take some pictures of us. He actually did very well (hence the picture above). Though I did have to delete about 20 or so .. he just got caught up in the moment and got a little picture happy:) totally understandable..heehee...

My three Cold sand angels!

Something is just not right about wearing winter hats and pants on a beach.......hummm

On my night stand