About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A list

I love lists ... I love to make out lists of things I need to do for the day. Things I need to get at the store, things I need to do to the house, things I need to get for the house, things I want to do with my life, things I want the kids to do, things I need Owen to do... the lists can go on forever. The problem is not one single list gets done. Yes I know I have a problem. I think it is just the idea of writing every thing down. If I didn't write it down I would think about what I need to do all day and night. You can find these list sitting in piles around the house or shoved in our junk drawers(notice I said "drawers" one is just not enough to hold our precious treasures) so occasionally I will run across an old list or goals and get a nice chuckle when I notice nothing has been changed or life has turned around so differently than when I had first wrote the list. Lately we have started to become pretty busy. Getting the kids involved in activities , school ect.... So today I thought I would make a list of what the Gaines family has been up to and post a few pictures from this past week.

1. Homeschooling Kaden
2. Preschool with Sage and Torin
3. Painting/wallpapering the Kitchen
4. Painting trim
5. Getting new flooring in three rooms
6. Owen getting his master's in Divinity
7. Owen learning Greek
8. Kaden playing indoor soccer
9. All three kids going to swim lessons
10. Owen working with a poker coach( discusses and talks about cards a few nights a wk)
11. Owen trying to put in 30 hours a week playing cards
12. Doing online tutorials about photoshop(a photography computer program)
13. Getting ready to put our house up for sale
14. Figuring out if we should move to a warmer city or stay in cold ohio with family.
15. Deciding when/if we are going to start a church.
16. Loving to workout on the new Wii Fit video game.
17. Playing Volleyball Mondays and wed.
18. Visiting some close friends in the hospital who were burned in a fire.(and will be there for the next 20 days)
19. Preparing my brain for the idea that on March 17 I will no longer be in my 20's!
20 Planing Kaden's 6th Birthday party.
21 Kaden getting ready to loose his first tooth.

Sage with her friend Abagail

Kaden's loose tooth. If you look closely you can see the tooth coming in behind the loose one.on the left side. We thought he would have lost it by now but it is hanging on till the last root..LOL

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