About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mobile, Alabama

We arrived in Mobile AL on Saturday. It was a last minute decision we made (like everything we do)since we were driving in that direction. Owen had met a friend online through his bible studies on youtube from the Mobile area. So we called them up and asked them if they would mind if we stopped and visited. THANK YOU Nathan and Suni Lippincott for taking us in:-) It is kind of funny that Nathan has talked to Owen over the phone and AIM but we have never met him or his wife before so it was a great time hanging out and getting to know one another . They also asked if Owen would speak at their Sunday night service. Nathan's dad has a church called Grace Bible Church in Mobile. So of course Owen said he would love to .. You would have thought someone gave Owen a million dollars... hahaha..... It has been a long time since Owen has preached from a pulpit and he has been chomping at the bit to start teaching again! We were able to meet alot of great people at the church. It was so nice to be able to talk and meet other Grace believers.

This is the first view of the gulf we saw on Saturday.. We had just driven through the whole state of Alabama in pouring rain and it wasn't any better when we arrived in Mobile.

Sunday morning before church we took the kids to Mc Donald's to have their favorite pancakes:)

Notice Torin just about to shove his whole hand in his mouth(probably had left over syrup on it , have to make sure he gets every drop)... Boy, do my kids love to eat. They literally will eat you out of house and home...And I have the grocery bills to prove it:-)

This is Owen introducing himself and giving a short testimony of his life on Sunday morning.

It was such a beautiful day outside the kids were able to play outside on the church playground.
This is Kaden and his new friend Titus. Titus is Nathan's adopted brother from Haiti. Kaden had a lot of fun playing with Titus at church.

This is Owen and Nathan chit chatting outside with the kids....

For the Sunday night service Owen decided to speak on Faith and Understanding your Bible.. You can find a similar series on http://www.tubebibleboy.com/ It went really well , everyone really enjoyed listening to him teach . So well that they have asked him to come back and maybe do a three night bible conference. There are 5 more Grace churches in the area also that may be interested in having him come teach at their church. It really is exciting to see how God can work in these situations. So after Owen spoke over 45 mins. (at least no one seemed to mind:-)we piled back into the van and headed to Orlando Fl. We only drove a couple of hours and stopped at a hotel. Amanda has called me everyday to see when we were heading to her house.. i guess you could say she is a little excited!! hahah ....We're coming,!!! , We're coming !!!! Amanda !!! hahaha we miss you too!!!

So off to Orlando Florida!!

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