About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Rock City

Today we said goodbye to Grandpa Jim. He will be headed out to Arizona soon, but we may meet up with him sometime next year.

On the road again... still have no idea where we are going at this point... east to NC or south ...

We had a brochure about a rock by Chattanooga, TN that you can see seven states from so since it sounded cool ...off we go!......

The kids also saw the brochure and were excited to get in... (I hope they paid their brochure people well because they sold us on it:-)

It was called Rock City. They built paths through boulders and very very small spaces.

This is Torin's nervous look , you can not tell but he shivers and taps his hands together when he makes this face to show he is scared..hahah it is very humorous.. so dramatic!

He started to relax after the first tunnel and was giving me the VIP tour on everything.

THE SWINGING BRIDGE!!! ok so i was a little nervous here but i didn't want to scare the kids.. Not cool if i had to carry screaming kids across a bridge suspended, who knows how high, between two cliffs.. so I put on my brave face and trudged forward.....

This is the view from the middle of the bridge ..about here i lost feeling in my hand since Torin again had on his scared face and was squeezing the life out of me......

This is the side view from the over look where you are able to see seven states.

There are the 7 states....
On top of the overlook......

Notice this trail is called the ' Fat man's Squeeze' ..... At this point Owen and I were wondering if Kaden would be able to call for help if we both went in and didn't come out.....Definitely diet time!!

This was a piece of rock that hung out over the ledge and was suspended in the air ...it looks like it is attached to the cliff on the side(notice red arrow on lft side) .. it isn't!

Here is a front view... Torin went no further than his little squat and Owen was over in the corner on firm ground crying like a baby since he hates heights:)

1000 ton rock balancing on a small rock... gives you a weird feeling when you go underneath... like one small earthquake and it would smash down on top of you.. needless to say we didn't stay to look at this long...

Fairyland Caverns was a tunnel they had made with nursery rhymes and fairytale scenes built in different spaces in the rock...such as humpty dumpty, red riding hood....


It took them six years to build this path with all the fairy tale scenes...

Kaden making sure we know what direction we need to go ... (glad someone knows where we're going in this family because Owen and I sure don't :)

We then decided to head to Mobile, Alabama where Owen's online friend Nathan and his wife live. This will be the first time we have met them in person. Nathan's Dad has a church in Mobile where we will be going on Sunday and Owen may possibly be speaking....

And of course another classic night in a hotel....I know you all wish you were sleeping in the same room as these three kids!!! *notice again Sage has stripped off her clothes .. what is with that girl?!!*This was record time i think we were in the room 2 mins before the strip tease happened...geez...


  1. how fun! it looks like your trip is going well! your kiddos crack me up!! :-)

  2. Jess, your are such a creative artist with your pictures and words. We look forward everyday to see you and the kids. Rock City was awesome. Dad wishes he could be one of your kids and have the opportunity to travel. Keep the pictures coming. Mom


On my night stand