About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Journey Begins!

Monday, November 24 th our Journey has begun......

Sunday we took Princess Bella to her temporary home. My sister Elishia has agreed to watch her while we are gone.. She may not have been my first choice , since Elishia does not have a good track record with animals. Currently she has killed two of our favorite fish , (James and John )and lost 2 of our kittens ,Though i am very grateful that Bella has a home to go to....

The question has always been ... 'How do you pack for a family of five to vacation for 5 months?' Well i guess bring everything except the kitchen sink:-) You just never know what is going to happen and what you will need... Or at least that was my answer to Owen as he came into the house for the 100th time for yet another bag...
I tried to keep everything in Tupperware containers for each of the kids.. and a backpack with clothes to stop overnight with. Everything else that was "necessary" went in the luggage carrier on top of the van. So the house cleaned and packed away we loaded the very excited kids into the travelin mini van.... They had already been prepared to leave since around noon. To say the least when 6:00pm came around they were overjoyed !!!

We wanted to get in a few hours before we stopped for a hotel since it was about 10 hours to TN , where we will be spending thanksgiving with Owen's dad. Around 11:30p we stopped at a hotel between Columbus OH and Cincinnati OH. The kids had fallen asleep about an hour before we stopped so they were pretty wired up in the hotel room...But they made themselves right at home...

Torin making himself comfortable yelling" watch , watch , watch"...

I think it took Sage about 2 minutes to rip her clothes off.. I just don't get it.... Defiantly has her daddy's blood in her..hahah....You see in the picture she has already found the perfect treasure after searching the hotel room to stash in her overnight bag.. I mean who wouldn't want the " do not disturb" sign to hang on there bedroom door..haha *Notice Torin flying through the air in the background, yep just like home*

Kaden i think was a little dazed .. he was ready to get some PJ's on and lay down.. He's always the first asleep ..

It actually was not a terrible night the kids were up about 20 minutes then they were out. Since we told them we could go swimmimg in the hotel pool in the morning.I think they thought the faster they fell asleep the quicker tomorrow would come..

Next stop Crossville TN.....

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