About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Owen's Birthday

Owen's birthday was on Wed. June 12th . The kids and I celebrated with cake and salad with him on Wednesday. Since Owen is on a strict diet right now and in the process of losing all his junk in the trunk, we made delicious fruit salads and bought the cake for the kids benefit... well ok..mine too:)

For his birthday Owen decided he wanted to go kayaking. So my mom and dad watched the kids Sunday night and we packed up our gear and headed out to a camp ground and then to kayak in the morning. It has been about 6 years since we have camped and I had forgotten how much I love it. Though it seems that when Owen and I are together somewhere , strange things happen or things that you think would never happen do. Such as our tent....

I promised Owen I would not mention anything about this tent but , wow I got a great laugh about it... it was awesome!! In his defense this tent that we had borrowed from his sister had two smaller kid size tents that attached to the side.. soooooo maybe a couple of kid poles were mixed up in ... I am just saying .. maybe..heehee....

There we go .. little better now.......

While sitting around the fire enjoying each others company a lone raccoon came waltzing right up next to us.. I in the state of panic leaped to the picnic table and tried to get my camera situated to get a picture of it but forgot that I had the wrong setting on.. This beast of a raccoon literally took it's old sweet time walking around the fire then around the table , then took it's time walking around our tent... it had no fear even though Owen was trying to blind it with his flash light.. he just didn't care till he was sure we were not holding out on any food that he was entitled to...
Then my bum caught on fire...haha.. no not really....... Owen took this picture and I think the reflection of the fire got caught in the picture.. but oh boy did we get a kick out of it... It couldn't get any more perfect than that ...hahahah..good times!
Monday morning we headed to Camp Hi in Hiram OH . We originally were going to get 2 kayaks but then we saw they had a 2 man kayak, so what better way to improve our communication skills and build our love for each other........ If you want to really put your marriage to the test and work on showing love to each other , get a canoe or a two man kayak , where communication skills are vital in getting back down the river to your car. Besides maneuvering around fallen trees and some small rocks our kayak trip went very smooth. .7 miles in about 2 hours..I am just happy to say I got out of the kayak in the same condition I got in the kayak... DRY!

To sum it up:
1. Plan extra daylight time to put up your tent in case of unexpected circumstances.
2. Watch out for scary fearless raccoons.
3. Bring plenty of firewood( so spouse does not have to scout out small wood scraps in the dark woods, with wild raccoons)
4. Make sure camera is turned on correctly for unexpected wildlife that enters your campsite.
5. Find a river without fallen trees every few feet, it will be less stressful on your marriage:)
6.Start lifting 5lbs of weights a few weeks before your kayak trip , it will be less painful.
7. Always remember the great memories and new stories you now have together!

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