About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Marketing the Mystery

5 sermons and three days later ....... Owen finished up his last sermon Sunday night at Grace Bible Church. It was such an amazing time. We had around 25-30 people at the services. The title of the sermons for the weekend was Marketing the Mystery. Friday night was about what our gospel( or good news) is and how we share this gospel with people today. Saturday night was an introduction to understanding your Bible. The Sunday school message was about Jesus and the Kingdom and Sunday morning service was a part 2 of understanding your Bible. Then there was also a Sunday night service were Owen went through practical tips and ideas to help share the Gospel with unbelievers . It was a very busy but exciting weekend. Grace Bible Church has always been so nice and welcoming when Owen and I are here. The kids schedule this weekend has been so crazy but they have adjusted so well . I think the average bed time for the kids has been around 11:00pm .. Which is normally unheard of in the Gaines home:) I think because I can close the curtain to the hotel room to make if very dark in the room that they have been taking 2 hour naps each day. Which has helped a ton. Kaden and the pastor's son Titus played so well together. I thought it was so funny Saturday when Titus came up to Kaden at church with a look of awe and said" Wow !Your hair looks really cool!" Then his face immediately dropped and he rubbed his head and said" I'm bald"...hahahahah...... I think Kaden will be floating on cloud nine for weeks now with that comment.. He worked so hard to get the perfect "Hawk". ... Anyone who can appreciate the "Hawk" is a friend for life! I think Kaden's face was stuck in a silly grin rest of the night. He defiantly made a new best friend here in Alabama. The sermons from the weekend will be posted on http://www.gbcfairhope.org/ soon. For most people these sermons may stretch a lot of beliefs or ideas you have but I encourage you to study and look up the passages.
2 Timothy 2:15 is about rightly dividing the word of truth. It is important for us to separate what is for us and what is actually written to us as believers. God has commanded us to study and be diligent in studying his Word. So the sermons are at the web site if anyone is interested. I will also be posting more pictures of the weekend when I get them from a friend .

We thought the sign was so funny... The church was so excited for Owen to come back and speak this weekend . They had printed up a ton of flyer's and bulletins and passed them out in town. They had also spread the word through facebook and several friends too. The other side of the sign said Marketing the Mystery but then side just said " Don't miss Owen"

...hahaahaha.... Owen ? Owen who? don't miss him? hummmm ..must be someone important? .. I better go check it out!.... (we just got a good laugh out of it:)

Titus and Kaden with his silly face...

Best buds!

Here we are leaving the church and headed back to the hotel room to start packing our things back up... On the road again..... St. Louis or Hendersonville, North Carolina? Not sure yet but will flip a coin tomorrow morning.......LOL...that's just how we roll....

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