About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Great Geauga Fair

Today the kids and I dragged owen to the county fair. As a previous Carney owen detest going to the fair every year. But he did not know 10 years ago when he married me that I was an avid fair attender:) I love the fair food,the people and I guess the whole atmosphere. We took the kids to see the llamas, alpacas, pigs, cows and lots more animals. We also were able to watch the dog and coon race.

After walking through the animal barns we then headed to the kids favorite part... the rides! I am not a big fan for fair rides. They actually give me a little anxiety...... Come on! they put up these rides in only a few days .. are they really that safe?

But the kids loved them and I didn't want to spoil their excitement:)

Kaden was such the big brother today. He rode all these rides with Sage and Torin. Sage and Torin both cried and screamed on the ride above.(You can see that sage's face is a little nervous)

Sage and Torin then found one that they both enjoyed and rode several times.

Kaden was finally able to pick one that he wanted to ride by himself . The helicopter! He thought he was really flying high in that ride.

This is where Torin stayed after he got to scared on one of the rides with Kaden.

Owen and Kaden decided to tackle the big Farris wheel. Okay, I was really getting panicky by now.... What if the wheel got stuck... or one of the buckets fall..geez..... I sounded like one of those crazy moms now!

Kaden later told me the Farris wheel was is very favorite thing at the fair. He could see so far when he was at the top. So i guess it was worth all the crazy concerns I had running through my mind.

Mommy also got to have a chance to ride. Sage waited so long to go on the carousal but was not tall enough to ride by herself. She was so excited to ride that at one time she took one of her arms off and yelled a yaaahoooo!haha... It was so funny!

So after filling our bellies with greasy fries and hot dogs, after riding death defining rides (so maybe I'm a little dramatic) and after seeing every farm animal out there we finally took our tired and sunburned bodies home to bed.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sooo tired!!!

Well today i tried something new. I played in an all day 4 person v-ball tournament. Wow, not sure i would have volunteered myself if I knew how exhausting it was. I think it was around 90 degrees out and A lot hotter when your running through hot sand. We were out there for about 7 hours and came in fourth.. Not as good as we wanted but it was all for a good cause . It was for a fund raiser for the local high school.
Thursday Owen and I took the kids to Wagon Trails. The kids were able to pet and feed the animals while we rode in a big safari truck. They loved it!!

Torin was so excited to feed the animals his cone full of food.

But when he realized how big and aggressive the animals were when he food in his hand he moved very fast in the opposite direction.

Sage loves animals so she really enjoyed petting them. She did not hesitate at all to go right up to them.

Kaden was a little cautious. He looked around and checked things out . When the time was right he would go in for a quick pat on the head of the animals.

Torin for some reason loved this bird. He stood there and laughed at it.

Now were ready for the safari ride with our buckets of food to feed the other animals on the ride

Sage thought it was so funny when the camels and bulls would stick there head in the truck.

Owen was the only one of us that fed those crazy ostriches and he was very nervous about it..

This is where torin sat waving at the animals under the bench while his brother and sister took care of feeding them:)

The kids loved the safari ride and had lots of stories to tell everyone !

Thursday, August 14, 2008

1 more day!!!

I have been waiting months for this weekend ."GIRLS WEEKEND!!" There are 7 of us girls going to a cabin in NewYork. We leave all the kids, dishes and mealtimes with the hubby's all weekend. A complete weekend of heavenly peace and quiet!!! ahhhhh.. It always comes just at the right time.. When the kids have pressed the limits on every situation(at least it seems like it:-)I don't know if it is just my impatience and overwhelming excitement to get away for a few days or if the kids know mom will not be there for the weekend and decide to cram a weekends worth of fighting and crying into the day before I leave. But I always feel so refreshed and recharged , like I can conquer anything by the time I come back....It is always an incredible time with lots of new memories:) I think Owen is taking the kids out on his sister's boat. The kids will have a ton of fun and won't even know mommy is gone for the weekend...though daddy may be another story..heehee...
Well off to pack... i'll post my pictures when I return.....

Monday, August 4, 2008

new friends

Ooops I am a little behind on the blogging thing.. our computer has been down for a few days...

Last Sunday, after three years , we were able to finally meet owen's friend from online. Owen and Steve have been talking online almost every day for the last several years. They became friends when owen first entered the poker world. Steve and his wife have three kids and they are moving to New Hampshire. So we were able to meet them in Ashtubula, OH on their way through. We took everyone to Red lobster then went out to lake Erie to let the kids run around.. The kids had a lot of fun playing on the beach and running around with some new friends.

Torin thought it was so funny to chase the birds around..

The kids had so much fun wading and playing in the water. We definitely

will be making a trip to the beach soon again to build sand castles and play in the water!

Friday, August 1, 2008

crazy kids!

Last night I had a 9:30 volleyball game. Thank goodness we won. I was getting a little nervous for a while there. They were actually missing a few of there players too. Two more games and then the tournaments start. Right now We are in 6th place out of 16 teams.. Doing so so .... next week we play the 2nd leading team so it will be a tough one.... Today the kids were nuts!!! Owen and I could not figure out what was going on ... They were picking on each other all morning and fighting!! Finally we had enough and took them out to the park to release all their energy.. AHHH much better after that trip .. they are now all sleeping peacefully in there beds and it is finally a quiet house:-)
I am now getting ready to go to my first book release party at borders with my friend Kristen..Soooo excited!! Have been waiting for the 4th book in the Twilight series for a while now.. I will finally have it in my hands at 12:01 am!!! yay!yay!

On my night stand