About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick or Treating..brrrrrrr

Our first snow fall came Monday morning:( So sad... Fall went by so fast. The kids were so excited to go play in the snow. Though it barely covered the ground they were still able to throw a few snowballs at each other.

I think in about 10 minutes they had all the fun they were going to have out there .. it was toooo cold to play outside!

Tonight we took the kids across the street to go trick or treating in the neighbor hood. Torin was so excited that he would start yelling " trick or treat" from the driveway before we would reach the door. Kaden wanted to be a skeleton this year and Sage was of course a princess because she is our "Princess Sage" Though later she wanted to be snow white.... Luckily she has an array of dresses to choose from so she was able to change a few times before making the decision ( I understand the tough choices us girls have choosing just the right outfit for just the right occasion :-)It's a girl thing. Torin wanted to be "Blue's Clue" this year but I was never able to find a Blue's costume so he was my rootin tootin Cowboy. He played the part well! He had his rope , knife and handcuffs ready in case we ran across any rowdy hooligan's out there.

Costume #1--Princess

*Notice the new choice of costume * Just giving a little variety to the mix..

I think about here Torin started yelling "Trick or Treat" while his little feet tried to catch up to the other two..

Sage in costume number 2...Snow White

Torin loved his costume so much that he wore it all day..though i think he lost his britches somewhere during the excitement.

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