About Me

My photo
ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A little family time

I love when the kids are excited to pose for the camera and show such love for each other.. though the moments are short lived I appreciate each one.

The other day we all went over to my mom's for the day since she was watching Elishia's girls. The kids love any time they can be with their cousins. Since it was a rare hot Ohio day we turned on the sprinkler to cool everyone off.

Then they all enjoyed a little trampoline time with uncle Owen. Little did they know that Uncle Owen could send little children to the moon and back with his power jumps.. oh and a bad case of whip lash ....

Friday, August 14, 2009

photo shoots

Well we are officially becoming a family of photographers. I recently purchased my new Canon 50d which has become the new joy in my life. While sharing my new discoveries over my new toy Owen has seemed to pick up the photography bug. He felt it necessary to also purchase a Canon 40d. Though it can be a pricey hobby I have enjoyed sharing pictures and techniques with someone. We are hoping in the near future to start making a profit on this hobby. Last week owen and I found an old train where we were able to practice taking some pictures . The kids now have adjusted and seem to really like us having a camera in our hands while we document their life through pictures. Or maybe they are just to young to understand what their crazy parents are doing. I plan on taking full advantage on their child like ignorance knowing that the teenage years are approaching and I will probably loose all photo privileges. So below is kind of a mixture of photos that have been taken in the last few weeks .. soooo enjoy :)

He's here

My nephew Zachary Thomas was born on August 13th weighing 8 lbs 4 oz. My sister was scheduled for her C-section on Friday morning. Since we didn't want to drag the all the kids to the hospital we had set up a babysitter so Owen and I could go alone. To my great surprise I wake up Thursday morning and Owen tells me while he was reading his facebook account that Elishia had her baby! What?! While I am running around looking for a phone to find out what all this madness is about , Owen tell me he is 8lbs 4oz. and was born around 7:00am . I am guessing that since Zachary was born in the (what the gaines family considers)ungodly hours of the morning that is why she decided to post the birth on Facebook and not wake me from my beauty sleep. The surgery went very well and the both mother and son are doing good. Zachary has the biggest pinchable cheeks . With 4 older sisters I am sure those plush cheek will get their share of squeezes...

On my night stand