About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring days

I feel spring in the air. It is wonderful. Last weekend we went to my parents house to celebrate my sisters 29th birthday. The kids always enjoy playing outside with their cousins. Beside playing with cousins one of their favorite activities is helping grandma with her yard work. Because we know how grandma feels about her yard... It is her pride and joy. There is always a chore the kids can help with in her yard. Picking up sticks, planting flowers, or like this week picking up rocks out of the yard. Though the kids may enjoy being helpful to grandma , they also assume work = pay... luckily for grandma a quarter it like a million pieces of gold to her 3 conniving grand kids. What happen to the days of hard work= helpful satisfaction.

Of course Sage had to prepare her self for the hard backbreaking work of picking up buckets of rocks... So what better way than to bring out the heels , swimsuit and work gloves.

Who says you can't look good while doing yard work.

After the yard work the cousins came over to play.

Last month I forgot to post up Easter pictures of the family . It was freezing and the wind was blowing pretty hard so most of the pictures did not turn out so nice. But we did spend a nice afternoon over at my parents house for lunch then took some pictures outside.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Park day!

Yay!! We hit 67 degrees today in northeast Ohio!! So the kids and I went off to frolic in the woods with my sister and her kids. We met a group of moms at the park for a play date. Then Elishia and I thought it would be fun to take our 7 kidos out in the woods to walk one of the trails. We started off good , even little Kaitlyn had a skip in her walk . It was 67 degrees outside and the sun was shining .. life was good! Then what started off as a small hike turned into a hour long walk... Kaitlyn's little legs could walk no more so me being the good helpful aunt decided it would be quicker to hold her since Elishia was already carrying little Joey . So on we go with a little less hop in our step... but it was still so beautiful out and there were only a few complaints so far.. so on we go but this trail seems to have no end .. Did we take the 5 mile trail or what?! By now the kids faces had a rosy hue and they seem to be dragging a bit.... Finally we reach our destination and I went to check the time on my cell phone and realize there was no cell phone.. yep, my cell phone was now laying in some mud puddle out on the ridiculously long trail, who knows where!..... The kids were just happy to be finished and back on their bikes , so Elishia kept an eye on them while I took a deep breathe, hiked up my pants and headed out again in search of a pink Sony cell phone. We had already seen two snakes but were not very concerned since we sounded like a herd of elephants walking through the woods. I didn't think a snake would have risked getting trampled by 7 little sets of feet . Now me by my lonesome was a whole other story...So with determination in my step ... "quick "determination.... I did find my phone about half way back down the path ... and happy to say no snake sitings only a couple tired feet and sore legs...

Monday, April 6, 2009

The great outdoors.

There is nothing better than to breathe in the fresh air on a beautiful Sunday afternoon while trudging through wonderful sloppy mud . That is exactly what I did yesterday and it was marvelous. The kids and I headed up to my sisters house for the afternoon. My brother in law Joe is building his girls a two story tree house in there back yard so the kids were all excited to see the building process. So we pulled on our rubber boots and headed to the sloshy mud paths leading back to the excitement.

Sage after posing for the photo told me" Mom ,this is my dream to be on this path." hahah So funny... I know Sage mommy loves it to . Something about being in the fresh air and enjoying the quiet woods.. ahh it is great!

Joe and his helper Lauren working on the roof of the tree house.
After enjoying a great day with family and lots of mud it was defiantlyoff to take baths!

On my night stand