About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July happenings

Wow , It has been a while since I have wrote here... We have had several projects going ..I will try to sum up everything from the month of July in some pictures..

Here are some pictures of the kids when they saw the kittens .

This is from the 4th of July. We went to Burton OH and watched fireworks at the fairgrounds. The kids were so excited to watch them. Torin was all settled next to Owen then after the first one went off Torin decided it was safer to be under the blanket during the fireworks.

He sat like this the whole time not saying a word just hiding under the blanket:)


This is a picture of Sage's room when we first bought the house. It had old pink wallpaper that had to come down and they had put a board in front of the window for a closet.

This is the walls after the wallpaper came down . There was old wood floors but it would have been to much work right now to fix those. So we added new carpet instead.

We painted the paneling a light green then cut and hung it up. Owen did a great job considering the walls were so crooked that it made it difficult to cut it straight.

We also finished drywalling and painted Torin's room blue. It will be a nautical theme when we are finished.

I have also been remodeling the kitchen between working on the other rooms. I don't have any current picture yet but I will get them on soon.

Owen and I have spent a lot of time working on the house so the kids were feeling a little left out. We decided Sat to take them to a monster truck show. They loved it!! I guess I loved it too!!haha

Our favorite was Big Foot (since he's from St.Louis MO) He won all the races too! Gravedigger was great too . That is who sage rooted for since she liked the green color on his truck:-)

The best part of the month of JULY was my sister Amanda coming home to visit!!! Mom and Dad took us all out to eat at a great restaurant.

Nothing like the crazy "smith" girls!!haha

We were so excited to have David take a few hours off work to eat with us... though i think he was half asleep since he works 3rd shift:-)

My brother-in -law Donny , Amanda , Dad and Mom

What a great time we had ,though it was too short of a visit! Looking forward to seeing them in December.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


They are finally here!

Our cat Bella has been excpecting kittens for a while now. I wasn't sure when the due date was .Though tonight when I went and found Bella, she seemed to be all of sudden a lot less thinner. So after the kids were put in bed Owen and I went in search of the kittens . We looked and looked and could not seem to find them. Our garage and attic are only so big. So we waited to follow Bella . The kittens were statched away in the far end of the attic above our Entry way or "mud room" The only way to get there was a very small opening in the attic above the garage. The space was full of insulation and extremely hot. I wasn't sure if the kittens could survive the heat. Bella, being a good mother:) would have probly taken care of them but I didn't want to take a chance. Owen and I decided to take things into our own hands:) There was a spot on the ceiling that had rotted away and we were planning to replace it at another time. We knew Bella was over in that area somehwere. Owen took a chance and cut through the drywall and pulled a giant square of insulation down out of the ceiling. It was perfect.

The kittens were sitting like little angels cuddled together on that square piece of insulation.

Here is Bella adjusting to there new space in a nice cozy box

The kids are going to be so excited! I can't wait to see their reactions. I'll post some pictures of it later:)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Working Out

Owen recently decided to get back on track with his weight. A couple of years ago we got the book by Dr. Oz called " You on a Diet" . It was a great book for us since we were never in to dieting stuff. Dr.Oz gives many practical suggestions and advice to get back in shape and eating healthy. Every other day Owen does 20 min worth of exercises . The kids just think it is the best thing. Kaden just started a health kick. Owen and I just laugh about it. Kaden told me the other day that he doesn't want to eat anything that is not healthy. I actually offered him some candy and he turned it down and asked for some fruit..hahaha.... it was pretty funny but i think that only lasted a few days. He does still ask about all the food we eat... what it is made of, will it make him strong , and is it healthy?Kaden loves to sit and lift his small weights with owen . Torin and Sage have actually gotten into the routine.

This is the kids doing their arm exercises.

Torin loves this exercises. He thinks it's a game.

Then I think Torin realized it was too much and not fun any more:)

In the morning we like to take a walk down our road . This is also one of the kids favorite thing to do. They start asking to go around 8am ! (Too early for mommy) We started letting them drive their motorized jeep . But since it only holds 2 of the kids Owen hooked up another ride for Torin.

Torin loves it! He can just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Working out and eating healthy is hard work but it will pay out in the long run:)

On my night stand