About Me

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ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Well, I think we have finally re cooperated from our trip to Missouri. It was so great to be able to visit with all my relatives. We left on Wed.night and stayed in a hotel in Dayton Oh. Thursday we were back on the road again with my sister and her family and my mom and dad following close behind.

The five of us were able to crash over at my Aunt and Uncle's house for the weekend. A big thanks to my cousin Micheal for letting us take over his room:)

We spent most of the time out in the sun and swimming in their pool.This is Torin getting ready to get in the pool . He insisted on putting all the swim gear on. I guess he wanted to make sure he was not going to go under!

I was so proud of Kaden for finally getting up enough nerve to learn how to snorkel in the big pool. He has put in many hours in our bath tub to accomplish that!

Sage spent most of her time deciding what float to use. After finally deciding which one would float better she did enjoying swimming around with the kids.

Here is Torin and I with out all his gear on. I think he preferred it all off .. a little less constricting:)

On Sat. we had a big pool party with all the family. Grandpa decided to take a ride on the wild side. He gave my cousin's bike a try. He was doing well until he had to stop. yikes! But all was fine! No broken bones.

On Sunday we went to my cousin Brittney's Graduation party. I was so glad to see my grandma Smith there. She has not been feeling well. It was nice to get a picture with grandma posing with me ,my sister and brother. All that we are missing is my other sister Amanda:-( I miss you, wish you were with us!

It was so hot that day.I think sage drank the whole pitcher of koolaid.

This is my brother David and his daughter Grace. We were all very excited that they were able to make it to Missouri this time with us. All the cousin's had so much fun playing with each other. They love to play with Grace!

Here is my sister's little girl Lauren. Her and Torin were best buds at the park. They loved to chase each other around on the small slide.

So after a fun filled trip we hit the road again. Since we were anxious to get the kids back to a normal schedule we decided to drive the long 11 hours straight through. The kids did great! They were knocked out sleeping alot of the time.

Mommy was also wiped out from all the excitement!

And of course I can not forget about the wonderful driver:) Thanks honey for driving the WHOLE trip.. i 'll help out next time..heehee..

Well that about sums up our Missouri vacation. I'll have more on the Gaines family next time!


  1. this is cool! i loved reading about your trip and seeing the pictures!


  2. Who is this Kristen imposter?! I'm just kidding. I'm so glad you finally got your blog started. It will become an obsession. I loved the pictures :)


On my night stand