About Me

My photo
ohio, United States
I am a stay at home mother of three. I am also a proud wife of a professional poker player and Bible teacher. We have been married for 11 years.Photography and books are my passion. I find people and their life stories fascinating. Listening to my children play and laugh together makes me smile. Music,art,sunny days,traveling,youth ministry,the great outdoors,and my family are just a few of the things I really love . I am a Christian and I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My new chair

I can't explain the feeling I got when I saw you sitting by your lonesome on the side of the road.... It was love at first site!! ... Ohhhh the possibilities...... Yes. I know you have a few flaws but who doesn't in this crazy world.... It just adds to the beauty of your character!!! I knew we would be forever connected as I rescued you from destruction... Through your rough weathered marks I know life has been a journey. But our days together will only bring more joy and happiness ....
Ohhhhh how I love my new green chair!!!


  1. oh my gosh, i am so incredibly jealous!
    you just found it? it had no home?!
    unbelievable. i want it.
    move here already. geesh!

  2. Hey is this the chair our neighbors were talking about when they came knocking at our door looking for their property? Great use!!!

  3. Lee you can tell the neighbors that I am making great use to their chair :-) And Kristen I was hoping now you would move back to ohio since I have this awesome chair you could use for pictures!


On my night stand